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How to make yourself Mentally Strong?

How to make yourself Mentally Strong?

Niyati Thole739 26-Feb-2022

How to become mentally strong?

Many people think about their health and fitness when it comes to getting in shape in the new year: the most popular New Year’s resolution is getting a better physique. The Nielsen survey found that 37 percent of respondents want to be happy and active next year, while almost half want to lose weight. Unfortunately, most people never reach their goals. According to statistics, only 8% adhere to their resolutions.

On the other hand, the more people focus on their mental health, the more likely they are to achieve the goals they set for themselves physically or otherwise. Your physical body does nothing unless your mind tells you to. The secret of self-discipline and delayed satisfaction is building mental muscles.

Here are ten resolutions to help you become mentally stronger this year:

1. Every day I will devote at least a few minutes to quiet thought:

A few minutes of being alone will allow you to reflect on your performance and examine what you want to improve. Every day, take a few minutes to refill your battery for a while. It helps you gain clarity and strengthen your motivation to achieve your goals.

2. Every week, I do at least one difficult topic:

Whether taking a Creative Writing Class or joining the Toastmasters, do whatever you need to do beyond your comfort zone. By confronting your fears, you can change the way you see yourself. Even if you fail or can not cope with the stress, you pursue your self-limiting thoughts instead of believing that you need to avoid difficult activities.

3. I'm going to start keeping a gratitude book:

Every day, focus on the three main things you are grateful for and your perspective on the world will change. According to research, gratitude is associated with a variety of benefits, including better sleep and less stress. It only takes a few minutes a day and is an easy way to improve your health.

4. I give more priority to my physical health:

If you do not get enough sleep, exercise, and eat properly, your brain will struggle to function properly. But do not make it your goal to lose weight or look good in a swimsuit. Aim for a healthy body, to have a happy, firm mind.

5. I plan to work on improving my internal communication:

The conversations you have with yourself affect how you behave and feel. Rough self-criticism can serve to hold you back. Be committed to talking to yourself as a trusted friend and you will discover abilities you may not be aware of.

6. I want to pay more attention to my feelings:

In addition to joy and anger, many adults are reluctant to express their feelings. Most people are willing to accept that “I have butterflies in my stomach” or “I have a lump in my throat” because it feels less sensitive than admitting that they are sad or scared. On the other hand, your emotions play an important role in every choice you make. Decide to be more intimate with your feelings. Make a list of your feelings and examine how they affect the way you speak and feel.

7. For my dream, I'm going to do a timeline:

Many people say, 'Someday I want to write a book' or 'I'll start my own business sooner or later.' However, since a day is never shown on the schedule, you are unlikely to follow it. Create a realistic schedule for yourself to turn your thinking into a goal. If you do not achieve this for a year or two, start researching or learning about your dream right away.

8. I will spend more time with my family and friends:

It’s so easy to get bogged down in everyday life and forget to make time for family and friends. However, studies show that spending time with family and friends is good for your health. Prioritize spending time with important people in your life.

9. I will live a life that reflects my principles:

It is easy to say that you appreciate giving back to society or caring about the environment; Living according to those principles is another. Examine how you spend your time and energy and make any changes in your lifestyle to suit your lifestyle values. The ability to master your mental energy requires living up to your values.

10. I am trying to do something I do not like:

By allowing yourself to give up bad habits you can work smarter, not harder. Instead of claiming that you eat more vegetables, stick to leaving a crunchy packet that you eat every day for lunch. Abandoning negative behaviors that reduce your mental strength, such as indulging in self-pity, will make your healthy habits more effective.

Develop your mental strength.

Do not burden yourself by trying to make too many changes at once; Instead, focus on one change at a time. New goals can be set at any time of the year. Maybe in January, you can finally launch the Thanksgiving notebook. Then, in February, commit to 30 minutes before bedtime to make it a daily habit. Remember, setting a true self-improvement goal and not declaring success or disaster two weeks later. Mental Strength Training emphasizes getting a little better every day of the year. You are more powerful than you realize. We dilute our power by allowing self-doubt and limiting self-beliefs to stop us from being true to ourselves. Believe in yourself, be kind, compassionate, and tolerant and make your mind up about the world. You are more powerful than you realize. We dilute our power by allowing self-doubt and limiting self-beliefs to stop us from being true to ourselves. Believe in yourself, be kind, compassionate, and tolerant and make your mind up about the world.

Updated 27-Feb-2022
An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driven by the motive to make a difference in the sphere of mental health - and normalize seeking help through a sensitive and empathetic approach

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